Imaging Innovations Incorporated

1. Do I have to be a computer expert to use digital imaging?

No. The software to manage acquisition of digital images is user-friendly and quite easy to use.


2. Will I need new X-ray equipment or can my old X-ray equipment be used when I move to digital imaging?

Not in most cases. The existing X-ray machine can be used as it is now by adding CR (computed radiography) which utilizes a CR cassette. The existing machine can still be used as before with DR as well by adding a cassette sized DR detector system.


3. Do I need to keep my darkroom when I buy a digital X-ray system?

No. A darkroom is not required. You can actually create more revenue by converting your old darkroom into an exam room for higher patient throughput. If you need or prefer film, images can be printed using laser or thermal printers that are similar to computer printers which will produce good quality images on specialized films without chemical processing.


4. Do I need to have special training to interpret digital X-rays?

You will need some specific training to obtain the full advantages of digital radiology but not for the interpretation of X-ray images.


5. Do I need to have special radiation protection or shielding for digital X-rays?

You will need the same radiation protection and shielding as required for analog or film based systems.


6. We are here to help

Please do not hesitate to call or send an email from the form at the bottom of the home page with any questions you may have.